Privacy Policy
A few words about the protection of your personal data
Before you go out with Locus for the first hike or ride and broadcast it with Live Tracking feature, we want you to know that Locus Map needs some of your personal information for its operation. Its use is subject to your consent under the EU Parliamentary and EU Council (2016/679 – GDPR) Regulations and you give this consent at the app first start.
So what does Locus Map need?
1) Information about your location
– to display your current or last fixed location on a map in your mobile or tablet. Locus gets this information from sensors in your mobile device and stores it in the application only while it is running. With location data, you know where you are and what track you have made.
– to display your current or last targeted position with Live Tracking. You choose if to share your location with all other Locus users and worldwide at or with a selected group of people only (on their mobile devices or on a unique password-secured website). You are notified of Live Tracking being active by a rotating arrow icon on your screen status bar.
2) Username, email, and photo
– for others to better identify you, Locus shows your user name and profile photo (or other avatar) on map in app and on live tracking website. This information is displayed only when Live Tracking is active and is kept in memory only for the time you have Locus installed on your mobile. If you do not want to display your real name with your location, you can replace it with a nickname.
You sign in to My Locus profile by email and it’s also possible using your Google or Facebook account. Email and data from your profile on Google or Facebook, including your profile photo, are stored on our server until you withdraw your consent.
So, that’s all. Personal data subject to your consent will be deposited for the entire duration of this consent until its possible revocation, without prejudice to the lawfulness of processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal. The Personal Information Manager is Asamm Software, s.r.o., company ID: 24225321, with its registered office at Krhanická 719/25, Kamýk, 142 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic.
According to GDPR you have the right to withdraw your previously given consent at any time, just write to us at