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User Guide

Install Locus Map

Go to Google Play Store and download/install:


  • Locus Map 4
    Multifunctional outdoor navigation app for hiking, biking or geocaching


  • Locus Map Pro
    Full-featured navigation application for all outdoor enthusiasts

More about differences between Locus Map 4 and Pro >>

Launch Live Tracking

Go to Locus main menu > all functions > Live Tracking.

  • Live Tracking Wizard introduces the function and guides you towards log in to My Locus services:
  • select whom do you need to share your real-time position with:

Share with all

Your real-time position is shared with the public here at the Live Tracking website and also with all other Locus Map users who have public live tracking active in their apps.

Your icon and name are prefilled by default values from your My Locus profile. I.e. if you logged in via Google, your Google avatar and name are used. They can be edited if you wish:


  • press blue start and public Live Tracking begins!

Share with a group

If you want to share your real-time position only with somebody you know, select a pre-defined group of people.

  • unfold the list of your groups:
  • tap the selected group and a private live tracking session is set:
  • if you want to join a new group, created by someone else, enter its access key and get in:
  • the private group can be monitored also on this website. Click Find group and enter the group code:

Share with a new group

To create your own group and share your real-time location with your friends, select this option. It needs Live Tracking Premium subscription:

OR, this feature is included in the Premium Gold subscription of  Locus Map 4.

When your group is created, share its code with your friends or family:

To start live tracking in your new group, follow the “Share with a group” wizard and select your newly created group.

More information about live tracking chat, groups management, and other settings >>

Enter private group code

Find Group